Climate Optimism

The messages often associated with climate change can be gloomy and negative. How might we communicate positively about climate change issues? Identify 2 aspects of dealing with climate change that paint a hopeful (rather than a doomsday) picture.
For example, climate change represents a truly global challenge and thus an opportunity for international cooperation on an unprecedented scale. The negotiations, policies, and institutions being developed to cope with climate change both within and between nations could lead to a more conscious, respectful global society. Also, the threat of climate change is fueling a shift to cleaner sources of energy with potential for less overall pollution (beyond just greenhouse gas emissions) and a cleaner, healthier future.
One positive aspect of dealing with climate change is that through planting more trees and becoming greener, we promote biodiversity. Allowing animals and plants to thrive and live peacefully would increase the quality of life for human beings.
Another positive aspect of dealing with climate change is that weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels by walking or biking places instead of using cars, could lead to more active and healthier lifestyles. This could possibly lower the high rate of obesity in America while reducing our carbon dioxide emissions.
One way to look at climate change through a positive lens is to realize that with climate change happening, there will be more food available to us. One thing we would get with longer summers is a longer growing season. Farmers would be able to boost their business with a booming long summer of selling crops. In addition, with less intense winters, we will see less people dying from influenza and other winter infectious diseases.
Although the perils of climate change are often heavy, there is one hope that arises. Combatting climate change requires citizens of the Earth to rethink current governmental structures, and to rethink the role of corporations and consumerism and to start asking for justice. Those most affected by climate change are often those who reside in the less developed countries, and now are the citizens that are now fighting back. Climate change is time for a system change, where every person can be empowered, instead of just the richest 1%. This empowerment and strength, are a sense of liberation, and will help design a new future of equality for humans and the environment. Thinking about the possibility of that kind of true equality gives me hope.
One hopeful aspect of climate change is that it will create jobs for people. There is going to be a surge in the need for jobs in the renewable energy sector and in order to build wind turbines and solar panels we will need more workers. A second positive aspect of climate change is that there have been more people interested and aware of the environment and how they are affecting the environment. There are new documentaries and protests and books being written and in general there are more people concerned with the health of our planet now that we are faced with such a huge issue!
Climate Change is an opportunity to educate the world. Knowledge is power, and every person has the potential to become a powerful asset in the promotion of changing actions for global benefits. It gives the opportunity for everyone to unite equally under one common goal.
Also if each person were able to relate personally to positive aspects of climate change it would be much more encouraging then seeing what would happen if no actions were taken.
As climate change is becoming a bigger issue for many communities around the world, a positive thing that comes out of it is communities coming together. There are community park clean ups and garden planting in the spring time which promotes teamwork and gives citizens a sense of accomplishment for their community and for the planet, not to mention the public places look much nicer. Another important positive thing that comes out of the usually pessimistic issue of climate change is people's push for new government policies. The surge of "green-ness" that has swept the nation for the past few years is also inspiring people to make changes to existing policies about energy and other big issues contributing to global climate change.
Although concerns of climate change have been around for some time, I think today's technological innovations make now an exciting and motivating time to be doing something about our climate woes. Social media, viral videos, and the global breadth of media in general have fueled environmental movements like climate change like never before. These resources allow for people all over the world to connect and work together in an effort to change our future. Also, today's advancements in technology and research in combination with the increasing climate pressures are making a positive impact as well.
The growing sense of environmental urgency to act now instead of later has encouraged people to utilize these technological opportunities in order to make a positive change. There is a growing understanding of how what we do today can impact us years down the road and that there is power in numbers when it comes to creating a difference in the world. Take PowerShift and the 350 movement for example. They're a wonderful illustration of how someone's determination to make positive change in our society can create a domino effect across the nation and even the world. Global collaboration and the motivation to do instead of watch are only a few of the positive aspects of climate change.
One of my ENSC professors last year would often say that if we didn't leave his class depressed, then he had not done his job. In a lot of ways, I can truly see how the issue of climate change could be incredibly depressing — if we look at the problems that are presented to us. However, climate change can also be a great happiness-inducing topic when we start to focus on the positives of the massive paradigm shifts our world has to go through in order to preserve the things we want to preserve. For example, of course the issue of oil is awful — it causes government corruption, there is almost no corporate accountability, people and places are destroyed, most of our wars are started because of oil, and to top it all off from the environmentalists' perspective, it's is of course absolutely filthy. This is very depressing indeed. However, if we focus on the leaps that are being made in the engineering sector where solar panels are smaller and more efficient than ever, Nantucket Sound has finally been approved to harvest wind power, and the "green" movement is generally taking great leaps forward, then we can really see how the world is being made into a better place, whether you "believe" in climate change or not.
I tend to reserve the climate change debate to close friends or personal reflection. This is not be a productive means of educating my peers compared to how I encourage recycling and composting in the dining halls, however, which I always regret. The main reason for this is because it is difficult for me to verbalize the benefits that would result from a change in lifestyle. The main reason is - people dont see environmentally sound results from driving less, cranking up the AC, or leaving the TV on, other than an increased sense of personal comfort. I always try to combine ecological behaviors with tangible benefits that would affect a person direction, and the convenience of driving more liberally and being cooler in the summer is a comfort people are willing to pay for.
I am an avid follower of the increasing trend of ecological economics - and hope that society as a whole adopts these practices.
The main benefits I present when arguing for altering behaviors due to climate change is the benefits that would come from cleaner fuels and less emissions that affect air quality and ecological degradation, the jobs that would be created from switching our infrastructure to different energy sources, and the sense of an increase in global cooperation that is necessary to change policy around the world.
We could emphasize how eliminating causes of climate change would also solve agricultural, infrastructural, and health-related problems. For example, the deforestation that contributes to climate change also contributes to soil erosion, so reducing deforestation would help long-term agricultural productivity. In terms of infrastructure, rising sea levels put coastal cities and communities at risk, so minimizing sea level rise would reduce displacement and various damages.
Another positive aspect of dealing with climate change is the aesthetic value of living in a healthy world. Destroying rivers, forests, glaciers, air quality, and biodiversity leaves us with ugly rivers, dried-up lakes, smog-covered cities, dead trees, and the like. Instead of stressing these negative impacts, we could help people see the value in keeping or restoring beauty in their lives.
I think one positive aspect of climate change is that it's shedding light on our need for clean, renewable energy, and thus, our need for jobs that will develop and promote sustainable energy practices. This, in turn, will boost our economy. Secondly, if not for our rising awareness of climate change, we might still be living in a world where we think it's okay to deplete the earth of all her resources and pollute all her forests and waterways. Instead, we're actively trying to lessen and enrich our footprints on the earth.
Obviously when one thinks about the idea of climate change they initially jump the the negative aspects which it has produced. But like many other people have mentioned in this blog there are also many aspects about climate change that have brought about positive results. The aspect which I believe is the most important, as a few people have already stated, is the fact that climate change has created a global awareness. It has created a goal which the entire world can work toward together, and it is something that we can all do collectively, which will hopefully strengthen the relations between nations.
Climate change has also provided positive impacts in the sense that it has created awareness that the world can't function any longer the way that we presently do. It has spurred the education of conscious consumption, recycling, and many other aspects which are positive changes for our global population and the world. Although climate change itself is not a good thing it has most definitely helped create some good habits that will hopefully benefit our globe in more ways then just environmentally.
An attractive and powerful thing about climate change is its ability to bring likeminded and concerned people together. Individuals who seek out opportunities to get involved in climate change initiatives often find friendship and positive experiences. An example of this would be the 350 events that recently took place. The events brought together individuals within communities as well as linking larger scale communities together through a common goal and vision. Making positive changes in our societies to reduce the risk and threats that climate change poses, can lead to a sense of accomplishment and hope about the ability of today’s world to band together to address an issue that affects us all.
One positive aspect of dealing with climate change is that it makes us aware of all the beauty that we are surrounded by. I feel much more at home when I am in an area with lots of trees and grass, rather than really urban settings. Being aware that we need to take care of our environment gives us greater appreciation for it.
Another positive aspect that comes with climate change is learning and working with other people. People come together to appreciate the beauty of nature and work to develop ways to help our environment. In protecting our environment while connecting with others we create a community and feel at home and at peace with our surrounding.
I think lack of progress can largely be attributed to issues in communications. I have a great interest in the field and I think this aspect of optimism fits into the idea of framing. So far, the argument goes, opponents of climate change action have determined the framing, calling action expensive and unnecessary. To get the ball rolling on the issue, the supporters will have to frame the issue in a positive way. I see the biggest potential for this in the idea of a green-collar economy or clean energy economy. This has three positive associated results: freedom from dependence on foreign oil, job creation, especially for the lower class, and improved environmental preservation through use of clean energy. This is a strongly positive framing and some activists are working hard to build its popularity. Van Jones, for example, pushes for green jobs as a solution for climate change and as a way to aid the poorest Americans. In this way, action of climate change suddenly becomes a win-win solution in the minds of the public.
there is a lot of joy to be had from appreciating the earth. i think it is more productive to think of climate change as an opportunity to express your gratitude and take advantage of the earth's gifts in a way that is sustainable and beneficial, rather than thinking of climate change as a threat. i think many people are turned off by threats such as THE ICE CAPS ARE MELTING aka you are responsible for the death of many polar bears when all work is best done when motivated by self-will instead of threat. the benefits of living a sustainable lifestyle are not only beautiful but also empowering, as are the connections that may be bonded with the earth, the self, and one another through learning how to respect the environment.
A positive side-affect to dealing with the climate crisis is that it keeps us thinking about the future. Obviously, we are doing things today that we certainly won't be able to do forever. For example, coal-fired power plants eventually won't have any more coal off of which to run. Mankind will have to find an alternative sooner or later, but looking for those solutions now will help us to be sure that our energy source in the future will be secure. That is to say that it is better to address an issue (finite resources) before a problem (widespread power shortages) arises.
Second of all, acting against climate change makes us better at sharing! If we can learn to use less, then there will be more to go around! Fewer people will fall victim to resource shortages. If we can use less, just think of how much we can help those who are in need.
I know that we're only supposed to submit two, so I'll keep it short. What if the air were clean again? Would we live longer? Would we feel better? I certainly can't see any downsides to that.
I think that one major positive aspect to highlight is the benefit of a healthier lifestyle that includes more walking and cycling and fewer car rides. I know from experience that walking downtown into Burlington and elsewhere is a more rewarding experience, knowing that I am walking (up to three times a day) and thus increasing my overall health.
The second positive aspect is one that is seen on the comic: we are making a better world with cleaner water, cleaner air, more jobs, and less pollution. That is always a good thing.
Climate change has certainly been a touchy issue for many people in today's society.
However, one positive aspect in regards to climate change has been the ability to develop truly innovative products and technologies to reduce the carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. After all, why else were Hybrid vehicles invented?
Another positive approach to dealing with climate change has been the celebratory moments that have been established since the awareness of climate change. Examples of such celebratory days or moments include Earth Day, Earth Hour (happening on the 26th! at 8:30PM), etc.
After all, why not love Mother Earth and all that she has done for us?
Climate change is an opportunity.
If we can install new ideas of the way to live, ideas of cooperation, and localism, and community -- we will be able to rely on real people and real sources and what our individual areas can provide us with, rather than exploiting foreign places until they have none. If we are aware of from where our food and tools come, if we have to actively take part in our communities to get such things, we will be less likely to exploit resources.
Climate change is also a way to realize individual impact. Knowing that every individual can make a difference should be a form of empowerment and a motivator to do so.
I often feel overwhelming negativity when thinking about climate change issues. However, I do believe that these negative feelings and thoughts can be altered into motivation. Where there are problems, there are solutions. Climate change issues have motivated people around the world to become involved in a global problem. From high school after school clubs to international organizations, climate change has given communities reasons to rally together and work for change.
Climate change has also challenged us to question our current "business as usual" paradigm. We are begin to rethink our thinking, keeping multiple aspects (environment, health, the economy) in mind. Everyday we are creating new technologies with the environment in mind. If we were not so fearsome of the issues that climate changes brings, we would not have advanced as much as we have in the past 10 years.
Although Global Climate Change has few positive impacts on our Earth, it can be noted that the desire for clean energy with regard to limiting greenhouse gases is an ever-positive movement. If we are able to move away from the dirty energy that pollutes so much of our landscape we would be able to clean our Earth, indefinitely.
Aside from cleaning up our Earth, I find the organizing of youth a positive impact of Climate Change. The way that today's youth are able to coordinate such immense organizing rallies (Powershift 2011!) amazes me. This motivation of the youth is what makes me desire to make such a positive impact with my time on this Earth.
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