Semester goals
At this point you've met with your complex team and discussed your roles and ideas as Eco-Reps. What are the specific goals you are looking forward to working on in your complex this semester? Briefly, what are a few of your ideas for achieving them?
We would like to get our residence hall more involved in our activities. One thing we talked a lot of about was composting. There has been much interest in U Heights North for more compost bins, but with limited manpower and time this is not always possible. Therefore, we brainstormed a way to set up a club in North that could help us maintain the bins, like the Greenhouse's composting guild. This way people would feel more connected and make a larger effort to compost if they are actually part of the process and have more knowledge.
Natalie Bishop
This semester I'd like to try and reach out to the entire campus. I feel like I made an impact on my res hall last semester. I want the rest of the school to get to know Eco-Reps better. I think a couple school-wide activities, art displays, fundraisers, etc would be a lot of fun and help us generate more enthusiasm from the campus as a whole.
As a MAT complex we've decided to make a doodle schedule organizer in order to more adaquately empty compost bins so that they can be of more use to a greater amount of residents. We're also working with Corey in recycling to switch some of our trash bins to recycling bins so that they can be of greater use as well.
-Livy Bulger
Last semester, the Harris Millis composting system was pretty weak... Some of the bins got removed, people barely responded to our survey, and it seemed like the residents were uninformed about the composting options, despite our efforts. This semester, I look forward to beefing it up. We are going to meet again with Penny, the head of housekeeping staff. We are going to have well labeled bins. Our board will be more informative. Hopefully, this will serve to engage the Harris Millis residents in the sustainability effort.
I feel like getting the composting back on track in Patterson is a great goal. Last semester the residents of the dorms didn't utilize it very much and it wasn't being emptied enough, so it began to smell. I therefore am going to try to empty it more regularly that way people don't view composting as something gross and smelly.
-Molly Wallner
I feel like getting the composting back on track in Patterson is a great goal. Last semester the residents of the dorms didn't utilize it very much and it wasn't being emptied enough, so it began to smell. I therefore am going to try to empty it more regularly that way people don't view composting as something gross and smelly.
-Molly Wallner
Like Natalie said, we have been trying to find ways to incorporate the environmentally conscious and interested students that live in UHN into the composting process. I have received emails from students in my hall that want more recycling bins, which I acquired, and we are hoping that students like this may be interested in assisting in the composting process so that it is possible to put out more compost bins in hopes that more people will then compost more often.
-Olivia McGee
This semester I really want to try to get the complex together for informational events more. In the greenhouse there are already a lot of people who are really into recycling and composting and local foods which is good so I think it would be nice if we could get together as a group to maybe learn something new and talk to each other and teach them things they may not know or even things we may not know.
Alyssa Iveson
this semester in MAT we're all going to work hard to regularly clean out the compost bins. I'm also going to put a lot more signage around the dorm to promote it. In addition, we want to get more recycle bins than trash bins to promote less landfill waste. it's going to be a great semester!
Cassie McG
I'd really like to get more of my complex involved in general. I'm going to start of by co-hosting an event with my RA next week. This will give me an opportunity to reintroduce myself, answer any questions, and give a brief talk about recycling, trash, and composting in the building. I'd like to encourage more people to compost in their suites. I've been trying to think of effective events or activities we could work on as a complex, but I hope that these activities will really extend to the rest of campus. So far, I've really liked the ideas that use media to reach out to the campus community. I hope we can get that compost video going again, and really make steps towards properly sorting trash! Also, I'm super psyched about earth day. I have a lot of ideas, that I'd like to talk to my complex about, and hopefully get some funding to get under way!
-Anya Gedrath-Smith
As both Natalie and Olivia have said, when we got together last week something that we found to be of strong student interest was composting. We think it would be pretty cool to start up a Composting Club, similar to the Composting Guild of U Heights South, because then it would take some pressure off of us and we would be establishing composting as a more regular activity in our hall. Hall Council wants to work with us on some aspect of composting, so hopefully we will be able to establish this club with their assistance. Also, we had talked about setting up a free bin, where people put clothes, shoes, books, etc. that they don't want so that other people can use them.
As a new Eco-Rep, I'm really looking to be more public this semester. I want residents to know about their resources, from the compost bins to the magazine rack to their Eco-Reps, etc. I also hope to increase understanding as to why it's important to have Eco-Reps and why it's important to- say- recycle. People know they should, but they don't really know why so they figure it's not worth the effort of carrying that extra bin down to the trash room. So publicity is big- people should know why we're here, what we can do for them and what they can do for the environment. I'm starting this off with a refurbished bulletin board, new compost signs and bins, and hope to continue by teaming up with my RA and doing a program to put ecological issues in perspective for someone who is living in a Res Hall here.
Rachel K
I would encourage more people to compost. It makes me sad when I see the trash bins filled with compostable plates. IRA is getting composting bins for L/L soon, so I hope this will help.
Also, I feel that people waste too much energy. I know many people leave their room/suite with computers, TVs, fans, and lights on. This is definitely one of the big issues I would like to work on, though I am not sure if there is a good way to decrease the energy use...
As Anya said, we would like to work on bringing more awareness of the eco-reps program to our complex as a whole. Although we have reached a number of individuals, there still seems to be a large group of students who are unaware of our goals and hopes for the future. While our complex project last semester was a relative success, I still feel as though it only targeted the same small group of students that engage in composting and participate in these types of events. It would be nice to try and reach out to the larger community, and perhaps this could be done by collaborating with a more influential club, such as the Outing Club. In addition, if people connect ecologically friendly actions such as composting with popular events such as Spring Fest, which is one of the activities suggested at the last eco-reps meeting, then hopefully there will be more overall support for our program, both in the specific complexes and the UVM community as a whole.
After hearing feedback from the RA's of MSHCR, I realize that we did not do the best of job making ourselves known and familiar among the residents. This sesmester I want us to work on doing possibly smaller, more focussed projects that allows us to get to know everyone we live with which in the end will be best for accomplishing any other sort of goals. One idea I have heard a lot of requests for is a "take it or leave" it bin and frequent clothes swaps. This is something I am used to from my residence hall last year and is something that I know is easy, successful, and will help engage others in our mission as Eco-Reps. In a larger sense, this semester I would like to dedicate more time to our semester event, seeing as last semester's was lacked in effort and success. otherwise, I think that goals will arise as our group comes together, which will help achieve more.
we would like to get our reshall's recycling more efficient as well as improving and educating more on composting with signage, etc. We're working to switch the number of trash bins and recycling bins to increase recycling on the floors.
Sarah Lundy
Living in the back 5, it is hard to get to know people outside of my dorm. Last semester I got my dorm to be more "ecofriendly" by getting them to turn off lights, recycle and compost. This semester I want to get the people in the other back 5 buildings more excited. To do this I want to get a listserve of everyone living in the back 5 and send out weekly emails with eco rep information and tips so they keep getting reinforcement week after week.
Zoe Hoffman
This semester on Central campus, we spoke about going back to basics in a sense. We hope to get the students living there to really excel in simple tasks such as recycling properly, reducing water use, and turning off the lights when they are not needed. Hopefully, by having another event similar to our pancake breakfast last semester, we can help to gain students attention and build their entuhsiam for our ideas. Also, it would be nice to try to get more involvement from the actual residents themselves in helping us spread the word.
Jon Cusick
Because greenhouse is my complex, they are already doing a pretty great job and I want to try to focus outside of my complex to the student body as a whole. I'm excited about committees and I think we should be working closer with SGA to make changes that will hopefully last longer than our eco-rep careers. The lack of composting in the dining halls is something I would really like to see change. One thing about my complex specifically is that I'd like to see more participation in compost club because there is a lot of compost and it gets hard to do with so few people.
This semester I am looking forward to working with Res-Life and my fellow Eco-Reps to plan some events for the CWPS complex. As a member of the Health and Wellness learning community I think that I can also make a connection with the program and collaborate with them to put on some environmentally themed events, as well as to incorporate some green-friendly aspect to weekly Health and Wellness events.
Alayna Howard
On central campus, we're looking to shift our focus a little bit from composting more towards the basics of environmentalism in a dorm setting. Recycle. Turn off your lights when you don't need them. Save water.
I do think some of the methods we used last term were pretty effective. There were a few different times when we knocked door to door in the res halls and people did start to recognize us and ask us questions when we were there. Another time we did an online survey, but also got people passing through in the lobby to fill it out (instead of just relying on people's interest in our email).
-Laura D.
Being pretty new, I still have to find a way to work with the head honchos over here about keeping all
the waste and utility usage in order.
After we work on that, I've been tossing around the idea of a building wide cook-off. I'm gonna work on setting goals about the holistic healthiness and locality of foods. After that, we can get down and dirty, and ruthlessly competitive.
I've been thinking of several other activities, most of which are competitions. Strange. Am I learning something about the true me through eco-reps? Perhaps.
I think a waste sorting race would be cool. I am reminded of the brain rotting television from my childhood. Global guts, legends of the hidden temple. These are the contests that would be fun if they had an instructive message. Still thinking about that though. Any suggestions?
I am really looking forward to getting information out to people about small steps they can take to lead greener lives. Using the media outlets (like TVs at Davis and the Marche) I really hope to be able to make information available to people so that all of the stuff on those monitors isn't just advertisements but has some more purposeful aims. Also, by word of mouth I am committing myself to spread environmental awareness that will hopefully lead those around me toward working to achieve a greener, more sustainable future. Knowledge is key, but the personal attention is really the deciding factor for getting people to step up environmentally, I think.
Upon hopping on the Eco-Reps team this semester, specific goals I am focused on include informing the university community of the existence and service Eco-Reps provide, changing behavior habits by encouraging folks to compost more in residence halls, and encouraging folks to be more aware of proper placement of wastes in the landfill, recycling, and compost bins.
In fact, I have already achieved one of these ideas! By working with one of the RAs of my building at L/L C, the two of us were able to communicate efficiently with housekeeping staff. Now the fireplace lounge has a clear division between trash and recycling bins! The difference is phenomenal due to this minor change.
I look forward to achieve the remainder of my goals of becoming more public about what and who Eco-Reps are and encouraging more individuals to compost in residence halls.
-anne chan.
The recycling and garbage bins have been much better sorted this semester after a few signs and notices being posted. It was a huge problem at the beginning of the year, but has since become much less contaminated. Taking suggestions from other EcoReps and the RAs who came to speak to us, I will be trying to keep the Recycling bins separate from the Trash bins to encourage waste to be as best sorted as possible.
Also, posting posters more visibly and eliminating any confusion as to what is recycling and what is trash will help encourage residents to properly sort.
-Brian S.
Though I'm a new Eco-Rep in the Harris-Millis complex, I look forward to being more visible throughout the complex. I'm hoping I can communicate with the halls more efficiently and more often so that the residents are well-informed about campus sustainability in general and events that we're going to put on.
-Federica Wade
This semester, we've made working together more effectively as a complex team a goal. Busy and not-so-compatible schedules, among other things, made it difficult to meet consistently as a complex team. Our effort to meet weekly at a set time, (and combine that meeting with some dinner :)), proved effective towards the end of last semester. We want to continue with these weekly check-ins that take place in addition to the Monday night meetings so that we can best utilize the team aspect of Eco-Reps.
This semester I'm really looking forward to getting things rolling in WDW. We had a pretty slow start at the beginning of the year and for second semester I would really like to do host more events in coordination with the RA's to get more student attention. I am also very excited about the public art committee. We have a great plan of action for the semester, which will raise awareness of both our role on campus as eco-reps and the environment.
-Anna Speidel
Most of the greenhouse goals focus on providing more events. specifically, I personally want to get more of my residents involved with composting. Currently I mostly take the compost out. I think if more of my residents were involved they would be more interested in composting in general and not only in their dorm.
This semester, I would like to get drying racks for my res hall. We have a small enough community and large enough laundry room for a few drying racks to be feasible. I would also like to get tupperware and cloth napkins for the kitchen, but as my RA pointed out, this seems like it might make more of a mess than it saves, and things like that get stolen and lost. I would also like to get residents more involved in eco-reps activities by knocking on doors and inviting them in person!
This semester as eco-reps in WDW we are looking forward to getting more residents involved in our activities. As mentioned, we are working on possibly doing a building wide cook off in WDW. This event could help us get many points across about our jobs as eco reps; eating local foods, composting and disgarding of waste appropriately and having fun doing group activities. We also want to coordinate with the RAs more about other future events to get the community involved.
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