Eco-Reps 2008: First Reflection
Thinking of the training and your first weeks of being an Eco-Rep, what impressions do you have of the program?* What questions do you have? What goals do you have as an Eco-Rep this year?
*for those of you returning, what are ways that you might want to improve the program from last year?
I'm excited about being and Eco-Rep this year. Training wasn't overwhelming at all and I feel as if I will take a lot away from this program. I'm glad to hear that much of the work we will be doing is on our time as it will be easier to get everything done. One event I'm looking forward to is the Lightbulb Switch. I feel as if this is such an easy to get our name and the positive environmental message out to the student body. I can't wait to get this year started!
-Caroline Shepard
I am ecstatic about the Eco-Rep program. I’m proud to be part of a program that practices what it preaches. When we had that delicious organic, locally grown and cooked lunch at training I was convinced that this would be a worth while program. The ropes course was an awesome ice breaker and initiated great communication. Everyone I’ve worked with so far is friendly and passionate about our purpose as eco-reps. My goals this year include learning more about sustainability and how I can live in a way that supports this and most importantly how I can influence others in my resident hall to do the same. I only have one question: do we have plans for out first “social gathering” yet?
-Jess Buckley
So far, I have to admit that I have only gotten to know some folks and considered what I might undertake this year, but so far I can tell Eco-Reps is a courageous program, and far more involved with campus processes than I thought. I'm excited to get creative with some campaigns and get to know more people. What we are tackling in the res halls is formidable, but I'm looking forward to a great year of learning and DOING. :-)
So far so good! Eco Reps seems like a very well organized program. Even more exciting are the people that are committing to advocate for the environment through the program. I am excited to try to get compost systems started in places like UHN, and to try and take the myth of "stinky, slimey, rotting food" out of compost and turn it into bodacious recycled nutrients to feed the earth and ourselves! Sounds heady! Point of Information: In Harris Millis dining there are signs about compost, but the actual compost bin is hiding. At least I couldn't find it the other day. That might be something to work on: the visibility of compost receptacles in places other than the Davis Center.
ps that was Kiren
Last year I was familiar with the Eco-Reps program but did not realize how extensive their work was throughout the University. After tabling at the DC the previous week I was able to get a feel for what people generally know about us and the interest they have in Eco-Reps. Though this is my first year as an Eco-Rep, I could tell that the program has grown and is now starting to make a real name for itself on campus. I am both proud and excited to be part of this program with people who are equally interested in learning about our impact on the environment and eager to spread green living across campus!
-Lisa Colombo
I saw Bill McKibben speak last night and left feeling both overwhelmed and also determined to be the best Eco-Rep I can be, as I feel like we're given a lot of resources to really make a difference on campus. One thing that he did say was how while the small changes we make are absolutely important, change - because it is so urgent - also really needs to come from "the top". So I'm hoping we can really impact both our own sustainability as a UVM campus, and also show that we understand how much change is necessary for the planet to be healthy, and how a large part of that involves our country's leaders. I hope that we, as Eco-Reps, can incorporate this element as well. I'm definitely excited for this year!
-Page A
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I'm excited to start and I can't wait to share with everyone else what I love to learn about. I think it sometimes is unfortunate that others don't get to experience and learn everything I do, so i can't wait to teach them! I hope more people will start to love the environment and realize that they are only a small part of this awesome world we live in! I can't wait for everything to start!
I'm so excited t be in the Eco-Rep program this year. I feel like the program really allows its reps to get out there and do great work so I can't wait to get started. I think my main goal for the year is to really get to know my residents so they'll feel comfortable getting involved and asking me questions or giving suggestions. I want to be as available to them as I possibly can. Yay Eco-reps!
-Samantha Ethridge
The people are great!
The program is exciting!
And I can't wait to do even more.
The training day was great, and I definitely got a good vibe from everybody. I'm excited to be working the group all year :). I know being an Eco-Rep will require dedication and enthusiasm, but I am ready to finally make a difference on campus. One of my goals is just helping to get the Eco-Reps word out even more campus-wide. I want people to be aware, curious, and involved. Can't wait!
I'm very excited about being in the Eco-Rep program this year! This program seems to have a great impact on the students and campus life here at UVM. I'm interested in learning more about various environmental topics and helping UVM become a more eco-friendly campus. I'm really excited to get going on some of our upcoming projects and am also really happy to have met new people who as just as passionate in making a change!
-Stephanie Kiesow
I am so excited to be an Eco-Rep this year! Training was so much fun and a great way to meet a bunch of new people that I will be spending time with this year. I am looking forward to our weekly meetings as well. I hope that as an Eco-Rep I will be able to make some more environmental changes in the dorm. I think the knowledge is out there, but the motivation isn't always there. I am also really looking forward to some movie nights and other sponsored Eco-Reps activities.
Looking forward to a great year!
-Jen Zivkovic
I cannot wait to really dive into the material and start spreading awareness within the residence halls. I feel that the meetings thus far have been informative and to the point! I'm really looking forward to getting our compost bins up and running. See you tonight :)
-Emily Casey
I am excited about being an EcoRep! It's so nice to see how we can individually make a difference and how UVM supports this program. Being an EcoRep is going to take a lot of work but I think it will be worth it. I'm excited about the composting, and really hope we can organize a free apple event where everyone has to compost their apple cores afterwords or something similar to that. YAY!
-Rachel Brooks
I am so excited about being an Eco-Rep! The low ropes course was awesome. I think it will be worth all the work in the end. It is so nice to see how UVM and people support this program! I'm looking forward to the composting. I hope we will be able to get a free apple day up and going where everyone has to compost their apples when they are done. I hope to be able to make an impact with the students in the residence halls. YAY!
-Rachel Brooks
I am really happy to be introduced to UVM as a community through this program.
The last meeting was surprisingly short. I can't wait until the program gets going into full swing. I'd really like to just get out any message to the students in my hall. Whether it be composting, energy conservation, or recycling. Any and all improvement towards a greener living is enough. Grass-root programs such as this has a bigger effect than many believe.
--Mickinzee Bray--
These first few weeks of being an Eco-Rep has made me so pumped and honored to be a part of this program! At the meetings and seeing people around, you can feel the energy and you can tell that we're going to be close and get a lot done around campus this year. I really liked the ropes course too- it was a really good and unexpected way to get to know the new people we're going to be working with this year. By the end of the year, I want to be able to look back and see the progress that I have made to my building, my residents, UVM as a whole, my own ecological standards, and as many others as possible. I'm looking forward to seeing everything unfold this year!
I feel that the Eco-Reps program is a perfect way to get involved as a first year student. I'm excited to meet other people who have new and exciting ideas about incorporating green living into the dorms. I am really excited how this program is very organized, because in the past I have been frustrated with other jobs. One of my goals is to make a difference in the dorms and to address issues in a fun and exciting way. I feel that this will be a great year and I can't wait for our new tasks each week so that we can get the ball rolling!
Natalie Bishop
I'm really excited for this year! I feel like already I've stepped it up a notch from last year- Jim and I introduced ourselves to our residents of Chittenden & Converse, and our RD is really cool and super excited about the program! I think the residents are going to be more receptive than last year, it seems like everyone's ready to start composting! We had one resident of Converse say how excited she was to have EcoReps in her building- she was a 4th year resident of the building, I believe!
-Kate Resch
Perhaps my most startling realization was that despite all of the action that is already being done, the awareness already being raised, and the great things that have been achieved, there is still tons of work to do.
For a campus that is supposedly one of the 'top ten greenest schools,' I know too many student who don't know and don't care about even the most basic things like recycling.
I am excited to be in a position where I am given both the knowledge and the means to advance the issues, spread the word, and get people to be active and passionate about the problems facing the environment.
And the best result of being an eco-rep, just after a couple of weeks, is that instead of feeling wicked overwhelmed about it all, I feel empowered.
Eco-Reps seems to be a very effective, active program that is doing a lot of good on campus. It is very legitimate, enthusiastic, and appropriate. I'm proud to be an eco-rep and eager to continue the good work on campus. I've already learned a lot, and am sure that this will be a continuing trend. Thanks to Christina for such effective organization. Let's keep this moving!
I'm excited to be an eco-rep and think that my job is made easy by the fact that a lot of the residents here are already environmentally-minded, and also, there are only 30 of us. I was unable to attend our first house meeting, but two of the ten community standards were environmentally related (turning off lights and composting/recycling!). So I think my goal might be to try and effect some change outside of just my dorm, perhaps in the dinning halls as well. I enjoyed training and am glad everyone is so excited about this program. The energy is great.
Back at it! I am pumped for this year as an eco-rep. What i am mostly focused about changing is what i put into it. Last year i feel i fulfilled the requirements and never really connected with my residents and made a permanent presence as an eco-rep. I have made some personal goals and come up with some ideas on how to get more involved and have a consistant presence around the halls. If we keep our goals in reach and realistic i think we can get alot done this year as a team. Last year alot of people had alot of big goals and never acted on them. If we make our goals resonable and keep the energy up we will eco this place right up!
Jim p.
After transferring here from a moderately environmentally responsible/aware school in Philadelphia last semester, I was absolutely BLOWN away by Vermont and the UVM community. I practically screamed with excitement over composting in the dining halls. It was (and still is) beautiful! However, I felt like I had so much to learn about various sustainable living practices and so I found this program and, again, practically screamed with excitement when I got accepted. I think about projects/activities and ways to teach my building (and campus) about the Eco-Reps mission every day. I feel as though this program is such an amazing opportunity for not only me, but for all those surrounding me. I had a blast at the ropes course and am definitely looking forward to getting to know more of our crew!
I am so excited to be an eco-rep! My first impression is that it might be a lot of work, and possibly a little overwhelming at times on top of everything else, but I'm confident it will be a fun and worthwhile experience. My goal for the year is to educated people about environmental issues, and to actually get them to change habits. I know it will be hard, but i like to think I'm a persuasive person. I can't wait to get started!
From the training day alone, I knew that Eco-Reps was going to be a lot of fun and that everyone in the program was committed to its cause. I think that that's what got me the most excited for the coming year. Also after the presentation on recycling at UVM this past Monday, I could not wait to start sharing the Eco-Reps message and doing my part around campus. Cheers to UVM and Eco-Reps!
I'm pumped to be an Eco Rep! I think the program is great, and is starting to become more known around campus, although I did get some confused reactions from a few residents when I first introduced myself. BUT, that's a goal for myself that I'm going to work on- making sure that people know about us, but more importantly, know what to do when it comes to recycling, reducing, reusing, and all those other wonderful things!
I agree that visibility of physical things such as composting/ recycling bins is important. Maybe we can open discussions about strategically placing a few throughout campus? Just a passing thought.
Anyway, looking forward to an awesome year!
-Mike Verla
My first few weeks as an Eco-Rep have been motivating and thought-provoking. I hope that our group's passion will be able to inspire and instill the same devotion in our peers. There is a great deal of work to be accomplished around my building. I've noticed that even with clearly labeled trash, recycling, and compost bins, garbage is not being properly sorted. I'm really going to strive to educate, encourage, and support students in making changes, no matter how small, to promote environmental friendliness and a healthier planet.
I am so excited about being an eco-rep this year! I'm very proud to join a group of dedicated individuals who have already made such an impact on campus. It's also very cool to see that this program has gotten national attention by the Siera Club! I think the training really helped us all to think creatively as a team, which will be very important for this year. As things are already underway I can't wait to see what the future holds for the rest of the year!
I am really excited about being an eco-rep this year! It's such a cool thing to be a part of, and I can't believe I'm getting paid to do something I am so passionate about. My goal for the year is to accomplish everything I want to, and not let things slip through the cracks when I get busy. The RA's in our building want us to get involved in a lot of the stuff they have going on in their dorm and although this would exceed the 4 hours a week we get paid for, I would really like to do this anyway. I know that would be something I would be proud of so my goal is to organize my time well so I can do all of that and not get behind in classes at the same time.
-Kristen Greenwald
Thinking back on the first few weeks of being an Eco-Rep, I am so glad that I hopped on-board. The program has such great intentions, and very effective ways to go about carrying out its mission. I still have some questions regarding what happens with all of the recycled materials and how they are reused in the community, and about where energy comes from and goes to before/after passing through UVMs many buildings.
My goal as an EcoRep is to influence, in any small manner, the way that residents on campus think and care about the environment. I want to relay how important it is to reduce our footprints on our Earth and to take care of this precious planet. I want to teach people specifically more about how and what to recycle and compost, and how to use less electricity/energy sources.
My goal this year is to create a composting and better recycling facility at the Delehanty Deck on Trinity. After attending the RA meeting earlier this week, this is definitely something that the people who I represent through Eco Reps care about.
The ropes course was a great way to get everyone comfortable with eachother and meet some new friends. It's nice to walk to class and run into another Eco-Rep. I'm really excited about what other positive outreaches we have in store for the students of UVM.
After the day on the ropes course, i was very excited for the semester! It seemed like a great group of people. I did not realize how much we would focus on the group dynamic of the program, but i enjoyed it very much, and think it will make many of the jobs ahead of us easier and more fun!
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