UVM Eco-Reps Program Blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Job/Project Action Items for the Semester

Now that you know what special project/job position you have, please tell us 2-3 specific action items that you will aim to accomplish this semester. You may want to refer to the job descriptions at
for ideas (as some roles have some specific needs).



At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have officially been deemed the poster princess for eco-reps...and I am so excited! I love designing and creating displays; I just think it is so much fun. One thing I'd like to accomplish attaining an "eye" for how a specific poster should be set up to make the ideas on it appealing to the public. I feel that if students understand what they are observing and think it is appealing that that will entice them to get involved in specific projects we are promoting. I'd also like to draw from my own personal experiences and experiences to come in the future as reference for what people enjoy making as eco-reps and what others enjoy looking at as non-eco-reps. Overall this position sounds perfect for me because I am a very creative person by nature (I get it from my mom) and hope that the designs I create will please everyone involved in the program.
See you all next Monday!!!

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As compost specialist, I would like to first increase my own knownldge of composting (i've done it at home, but don't really know exactly what has to be present to make it work most effectively) especially of indoor, contained, composting which might be able to be used in the dorms. Most importantly though i would like to work with the resident halls to find some way to allow every student to compost waste from the dorm rooms. that would be truly awesome.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As film coordinator, there are two main things I plan to do: the first is get some REALLY AWESOME MOVIES on campus, movies that apply to our lives and also help us think outside of ourselves. I want to find movies that change the way you see the world, if only slightly. The second thing I want to do is make the movie events both big and well publicized (we'll talk, Elias) and accessible to many people on campus (having them on central campus, trinity, redstone, and athletic). I want everyone to be able to make it to the movies. One of the things that I think helps when seeing big movies is having a discussion group afterwards, with refreshments if possible. So yeah, get ready for some rockin films.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! How do we find out what jobs we got?

Just as a side note, I took this really great quiz for one of my classes and I think you may enjoy it!


See you on Monday!

Tori Mitchell

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I'm actually really excited about my job, even though it kind of interferes with my class work. as the Environmental Council Liason, im going to be working with various individuals on environmental sustainability for the campus. Im really looking forward to working in an environmentally friendly environment with other concerned individuals, and i hope to accomplish increased environmental sustainability on campus. However, i'm also really excited to help increace dialogue around important issues like global warming, energy consumption, sustainable farming and consuming practices, etc. although im not entirely sure what to expect of the council yet, im hoping that it will give me a forum where i can continue to connect the work that we are doing to the whole campus community. Cant wait to get started!!!!

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a composting specialist I want to do a few things... First off I want to better educate the students about the importance of composting. I've found that many of them don't really even understand what composting is, let alone why they should do it. Second, I want to make composting more accessible for people in their residence halls... not sure how just yet, but I'm working on it. And third, I would like to explore the idea of setting up a vermicomposting operation where students can observe it and learn about it(vermicomposting is composting with the use/aid of worms)... Other than that I just hope that I can be a useful resource to anyone who has questions about compost.

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the transportation specialist, I would first like to increase my knowledge and further fimilarize myself with the resources available to us on/off campus. I believe the ride share board is an awesome opportunity for many students. I would like to get the word out there so students can really take advantage of the carpooling. I have asked around and a lot of students have never even heard of the ride share. I would also like to emphasize walking/biking on campus and try to reduce the number of vehicles on campus/road. As we all know Burlington lacks parking, but the city offers numerous transportation opportunities. I believe students do not take advantage of these because they lack the knowledge. My goal is to promote students to use other forms of transportation. I believe this is one of our biggest transportation issues that I would like to focus on. I am more then wiling to take on other tasks and just be a resource for anyone who has questions! I'm looking forward to the job!~ Carrie

At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Office Manager I will be helping to keep the office organized and any other office work that needs to be done. Also I will be aiding in the organization of any large projects or events!

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I plan to raise awareness about why a vegan or vegetarian diet is important ecologically. I plan to give tips to people about how to switch to a vegan or vegetarian diet. I also will encourage people to cut back on their animal product consumption if they feel that going vegan or vegetarian is too extreme for them. This topic is certainly something that is very important to me... so I hope to influence other people to believe it is important as well. Also, I would like to educate people about why buying as much local food as they can is so important.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to be the writer for inSTALLments, because I think it has the potential to have a really big impact on conservation in the dorms. It's a great idea to have the newsletter on the back of stall doors, because most students will probably opt to read it rather than to look at a blank door. I'm hoping that I'll really be able to convey the importance of water conservation through the newsletters, as the bathroom is one of the main places that water is wasted. In addition, the newsletters can provide a medium to educate students about other conservation issues, such as energy consumption and recycling.


At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see... as the supply closet manager I hope to for one make our supply closet bigger. I have to admit i was a little shocked when I saw that our "closet" consisted of a shelf. By making it bigger I hope to add more paper supplies (especially recycled paper!) of different colors, styles and prints. These will hopefully add to the attractiveness of our boards!! Also a few full sets of letters, sets of markers, colored pencils and other utensils are needed, so that we'll all be able to share the supplies. Next would be to add materials that would enhance our boards, like 3-D objects, glitters, shapes, ect. I hope to get lots of ideas from the group on materials that could help us out with our outreach projects.

~Meshia aka Closet Queen

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the food specialist, I would like to educate myself and other people about the importance of eating local and healthy foods. I would like to get people to know and care about where their food comes from, and the process it took to get it. I know alot about growing your own food, and would like to teach people about the steps and procedures of planting and harvesting your own food.

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Tori Mitchell

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an hombre of energy there are many things I can do. One thing I can do is ecourage the use of CFL's throughout the university. This can be done through light bulb exchanges. Another things I can do is just raise overall awareness of how much energey students consume by making brochures, posters, and giving presentations.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be using my amazing office skills to photo copy things like a pro and generally try to keep things organized. I will also use my camera know-how to document important Eco-Reps events to show everyone just how fun it is to be environmentally friendly! I love taking pictures so it should be a good time!

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

editing installments should be a humorous, though important task. Hopefully I can work with the writer to keep them fun and informative. As for my goals, I suppose they are
1) keep the installments interesting/eye catching
2) see that they are properly distributed
3) make sure they present valuable information that can help students initiate simple, effective change.


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found when I was doing my appliance/energy survey, that a lot of students were willing to have questions asked, and were fine with me being there, but it was pretty clear that they wouldn't go out of there way to cut down on energy. As the energy project leader (in conjuction with phil), this bothers me! However, when I made a point of saying that that person had a good or bad amount and usage of appliances, they seemed to respond more actively. I think that really personalizing the survey has to be done to make the person feel like their a part of it. One problem I had with the survey was that there was no amount of time used on the chart. Although someone might have a ton of appliances, they might keep them unplugged, or use them infrequently. I tried to note this on my diagram. As far as my goals go as an electricity/ energy person I really want to find out how to get information on the Solar panelling on the Royal Tyler Theatre, and why that panel was removed, I would also like to start to use the Kill-A-Watt device to measure various appliances around campus, and see if we can make improvements to students and the campus teachers/faculty on their energy intake. I find I often overlook heating as an energy entity, so with luck I can try and incorporate more information on that to my audience.

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And of course the LIGHTBULB XCHANGE!! -James cont.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the co-captain for the eco-rep program. As I live in an environmental co-op, this gives me some flexibility to work on issues that are already largely covered in my own dorm. First of all, I'd like to invite the group to experience Slade Hall firsthand, as we have extensive experience in organic gardening, local foods purchasing, and dorm composting.

Fasten your seat belts, because I have a series of special projects I'd like to have eco-reps take up in the upcoming months. I am the liasion between eco-reps and Vermont Student Environmental Program. First off is the Halloween Local Foods Potluck we're planning, which anyone interested in helping with can email me at aahall@bsad.uvm.edu. It will be a celebration of local foods in collaboration with Students for True Animal Rights. I'm aiming to make it a zero-waste event, so this is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about composting and recycling.

Also, I was thinking about having a clothes swap. Interested?

Aside from obviously local foods and composting, I am also very preoccupied by reusable mugs and promoting their use. I want to further develop the Spot-a-Mug campaign and look into better incentives for using one. I also need to show that having an 'eco-corn cup' doesn't solve our coffee cup trash problems.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My job looks like lots of fun! This semester I would like to:
1)Make a database of pictures for both ecoreps and the public to refer to and enjoy.
2)I would also like to be able to use these pictures on publicity for the program.
Unrelated to my job, I would like to try and encourage students to use real plates and silverware at the marche, as well as to try and buy more local foods.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh whoops, sorry.. the last one was
Anna Royar


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