UVM Eco-Reps Program Blog

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Reflections on the Semester

Add your reflections to the semester as comments on this post.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click below where it says the number of comments left so far. You can either set yourself up with a username and password or just click on anonymous (please include your name in your comment so I know who left it). Remember to answer the following questions:
-What went well this semester?
-What could have been better? How?
-Do you have ideas for activities for next semester (including activities related to Do it in the Dark Month, Recyclemania and Earth Day)?
-Other comments/suggestions.

Thanks! Deb

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this semester has went well. A lot of things have been put into place including the new recycle program with Rally Cat as a mascot that allows students to mix paper and bottle recycling. The bins have been re - labeled and the word has gotten out to students. InSTALLments is up and coming with great response from students. The light bulb exchange was also a great success with most students accepting the exchange...saving money and energy! Unfortunately, I will not be here next semester because I will be traveling abroad but I hope the program continues to go well (I'm sure it will!) I think the Eco - Rep breakfast was a lot of fun and an event that should be repeated second semester. Another light bulb exchange and including the Eco - Reps in events such as Springfest and the spring event on Redstone campus. Good luck with the next semester I am really glad I was a part of this program this semester!
~Kari Anderson

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, overall, this was a very exciting semester to be an Eco-Rep. All the new students really bring a lot of positive energy and creativity. Being on SGA I heard from other senators and from different administrators how proud they are of the program and how it really adds a lot to our push to be the premiere "Environmental University". I think what went well this year is the publicity. We really got our name out there with our events and even just by having our own table at bigger events. Everything we did seemed to go well, so I would just say we should keep doing what we're doing. The most important thing, in my eyes, would be to strengthen relationships with other organizations and departments on campus. More things like the ALANA breakfast and partnering with VSTEP on projects. Maybe next semester we can do a partnership with Dining Services to monitor food waste in the dining halls for a week? Anyway, great job to everyone! You guys are stars! -Kesha

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this semester went well. I enjoyed participating in the bulb exchange and the field trip to the composting center at the Intervale. I also liked the gusts speakers that came to our meetings. It is extremely helpful to hear about other programs in the school. I think, however, that currently the program is a little weak in my dorms. The RAs in my dorm do not have floor meeting (we have only had 3 this whole year) and I am finding the students less open to “environmental hippie stuff” than the students in my dorm last year (MAT). I really want to get my floor mates more interested in sustainable practices but am finding it difficult. I think that we should do more large scale activities, like movies and events. I also agree that we should be teaming up with VSTEP, CEL and other environmental, and perhaps more importantly non-environmental, groups on campus. Lastly, Earth Week Planning is starting soon and I think it would be really cool to do something dorm wide. Overall, I have enjoyed being an eco-rep and hope that next semester will be even better now that I understand the system. Ivria

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the semester went well. I think that something that could be worked on
next semester is finding a ways to better involve and educate the greater student body
with and about recycling. Many students in my hall asked me what they could do to help
out, and I couldn't really think of a good answer except that they should recycle, and
encourage others to do the same (as well as compost, save energy, etc.). I also did not
really have a way to reach my entire dorm. The bulletin board was in a place that is
not somewhere people would stop and look. There are four floors and 320 kids in my
hall it is hard to reach all of them. I worked with a senior who was doing a project on
recycling in the halls and we interviewed some students about recycling. Many students
felt that they had no incentive to recycle, and were not exactly sure what was and was
not recyclable. I think that we should have info nights for the resident halls,
ideally at the beginning of the school year, where we lay out the rules of recycling and
answer any questions, if for no other purpose than to get people to think about it more.
I think that the events that we did went well, and more would be good next semester.
I went through every trash room in my dorm (Millis and Harris) and I saw many things
that definitely did not need to be there, like clothing, appliances, and recyclables in
the trash. Many students stated that they would recycle is it was easier. Overall, I
think that the semester went really well though, and I think that we did a lot of good


At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the cooperative events with other organizations, like the CEL/Eco Reps
Local Foods dinner, the ALANA/Eco Reps VT breakfast, and the Health Center/Eco
Reps "Do it in the dark." Environmental connections can be made with anything.
I think that student religious groups would be into eco rep cooperation.
I won't be an eco rep next semester because i'll be living in slade. It's been
nice meeeting you all and seeing you around campus. I'm really optomistic about
eco reps and next semester.


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bulb exchanges went really well this semester, I think. Also, the reponse at the Eco-Fair was really good, so that was a good thing to do. Changing the signs on recycling bins went really well, is really clear, and hopefully helpful. I think the trip to the recycling place was a really good idea so that eco-reps really know what goes on with recycling.
I think that some of our events could be advertised better. Perhaps contacting several R.A.'s when we have an even and asking them to send an email out to their floor about it would be a good idea.
I think that we should work hard to hold more events that get many students and other programs involved. It is very important to get the word out to as many people as possible about how to be environmentally friendly.


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soo happy to see that Eco-reps have made a name on campus. I am no longer explaining to people what the heck an eco-rep is and I think that this is huge progress in the initiative to hypnotizing people on campus to be green...(just kidding). But in all seriousness, I think that having our name be more common is great. I think that the Eco fair was another fun event that successfully portrayed our information but it reminds me that unfortunately most successful environmental events on campus are attended by environmental students, not people who would better absorb the information (*cough* business students…). Trying to break this habit is always a good thing and I think stuff like the light bulb exchange and instalments help with this. I think that events are our strongest activities right now because we are still learning how to get students to change habits. Information in dorms will always be helpful, but I think that bulletin boards are often overlooked.
A few suggestions for the program in the future…I think that because applications were high this year that it would be neat to consider having eco-reps for all buildings on campus. I remember hearing at the Harvard eco-rep presentation, last year at the climate conference, that they have eco-reps representing non-residential areas. Not necessarily something to consider too soon…but a cool idea, especially for an aspiring environmental university. I am also interested in making the Earth Day fair bigger and better than last year. Having the traditional eco-rep table is always good, but I hope that we can have more events or activities focused on sustainable college living. Not too sure what this would entail, but I bet we can combine some eco-rep brainpower to get something good.
Fondly yours,

oh! ps, the compostable plates, cups, and utensils are awesome and we need to get those used more!!

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the semester went well. I think we did a good job getting our name out there and advertising about our events. THe lighbulb exchanges and the trash sort seemed to me to be the most successful. I think we should continue doing these activities next semester. I think the ALANA breakfast was also a great idea and that we should definitely work on this partnership in addition to collaborating with other groups as Kesha and many others said. In terms of our least successful event, I think the Recycling Trivia was a bit of a bust. It seems hard to get people to care enough about recycling to get them to attend a trivia night. We should brainstorm other creative ways to involve people. Overall, however, I thought the semester went really well. Yay Eco-reps!

-Emily Eschner

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the eco-rep program went well this semester. We did some really good activities and got our name out their. We have begun to organizing with other groups on campus, which is really important, and hopefully we can do even more next semester with events like do it in the dark and another Alana breakfast. The re-labeling of recycling bins went very well too. i really like the field trip idea, even though its hard to get peoples schedules to over lap. i would really like to do more group activities, i kind of feel like i don’t really know a lot of the eco-reps very well. I agree that there should be some kind of recycling info session, but we will have to be creative on how we will get people to attend. but i defiantly think that educating people on recycling and composting and making it easier to do on campus (we have made it as easy as possible in the dorms already!) is a good goal. More movie nights would be good. Bulletin boards are good if there somewhere people can see them…mine was not. I think it is better to put more energy into the bathrooms though. I have gotten a lot of comments about my facts and installments that I put in, but keeping them up dated is important. Over all I think we have had a great start and I’m excited for next year.
Thanks Deb and Erica! you’ve been awesome and I really appreciate all the hard work that you do to make this program work.

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed a huge difference in the program from a few semesters ago. I was an eco-rep for the debet semester when the program was getting on its feet. Now there is a lot more for eco-reps to be involved in. One thing i think we could improve on is using e-messages instead of paper to get our point across. Especially the packets of information. (not the posters though, since it is my job as postermaker and all, and i do think they are effective). I look forward to the recycle art show next semester, as well as earth day, since it is a huge event at uvm.
Thanks so much Deb and Erica for all your energy and hard work!!!

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been very proud to be an eco-rep this semester. I thought we had a good level of interaction with students, especially going door-to-door with the light bulb exchange and green guides. I also thought the trash sort was hilarious if gross and educational. I agree with the above-mentioned suggested increased collaboration with other groups on campus (business, engineering, athletics...). I personally felt very comfortable asking Recycling for collaboration on projects like the local foods potluck, and getting donation bins for the HCol move. If VSTEP chooses to move forward with CUPPS cups next semester, I think that there is an excellent opportunity for cooperation with the Spot-a-mug program. In general, there needs to be a more aggressive movement on campus to reduce disposable cup consumption, and the use of compostable plates (while not as ideal as reusable) should also be pushed by staff. The incentive needs to be greater (20%?). Right now the opportunity cost is still too high for the average student.
I'd also like to see a Butt Hunt during Earth week (collecting cigarette butts as a competition and doing stats on pollution etc.).

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was proud to be an eco-rep this semester. I thought there was a good level of interaction with the student body, especially during the light bulb exchange and the distribution of green guides. I also thought the trash sort was hilarious and educational, if gross. That might be a fun interactive activity during Earth Week.
I also would like to see increased collaboration with other groups on campus, and not just environmentally-focused ones (business, engineering, dream, seeds?). I always felt comfortable asking Recycling for collaboration on projects like the local foods potluck and getting donation bins for the HCol move. If VSTEP chooses to move forward with CUPPS cups, there is an opportunity for cooperation with the Spot-a-mug program. There needs to be a more aggressive program to reduce the disposable cup output on campus in general, as well as to promote compostable plates. Right now the opportunity cost of not using disposables is still too high, so the incentive needs to be increased (more than 10%?)
I would also like to see a Butt Hunt during Earth Week. As a competition, students would collect as many cigarette butts as possible and weigh them. We could perform statistical analyses on this similarly to what we did with the trash sort (amt. of pollutants, etc.).

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a lot of fun as an Eco-Rep this semester. I think it's a great program. I really enjoyed getting out there and talking to people about environmental issues, like at the Bulb Exchange, ALANA Breakfast, and all those different fairs. I loved visiting the MRF. That was a lot of fun and a great, informative learning experience. I wish that there had been more activities like the Bulb Exchange and fairs. I think that thoes sorts of activities are a lot more effective in reaching people than posters or bulletin boards are. I'm excited for next semester. I hope we change more minds and make more of a difference. I'm sure all are up coming activities will be awsome.

Kathleen Stutzman

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This semester was decent for the program. I sometimes had some trouble keeping the posters up for more than a day or so, but there is not very much that can be done about people ripping them down. I definitally agree with some of the earlier comments about how it would be good for the eco rep program to participate in events such as Springfest, and the Redstone events. Unfortunately due to my class schedual I was not able to participate in the bulb exchanges, but they are a great idea and it sounds as if they went pretty well. Projects like that are great and are what I hope we can continue to schedual regularly, because they are a lot more than talk, they really do make a noticable difference.
As for the recycling, after relabeling the bins, there has been some confusion, mixed with some people who just do not care. While the bins in my building that are covered have done fairly well, the ones with no lids do fairly well also untill an uncaring person dumps their trash and food in as well contaminating it. This is mostly a weekend problem though, and I have been talking to people and I am going to try some posters when we get back.


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The light bulb exchange was a favorite activity that I believe has become a signature Eco-Rep promotion for the environment, our school, and our name. The integration and communication with other UVM departments and government help groups are strengtheners for the progress we make. Lets keep that up this semester. One way, we could go ahead with combining forces with the health center for Do it in the Dark Month. We could also join with Volunteers in Action for a recycle marathon. Recyclemania will come with a lot of competition this year and we want go get the word out a lot, and this time provide more background information then perhaps last year. Last year still went great and there is a good chance of a better score for this year due to the new recycle collection methods. InStallments are always a huge success, good work guys. Stats on the progress would be helpful to measuring the impacts and changes. Movie nights seem a relaxed activity we could handle during other agendas as well.

-Sarah F.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the first semester went very well in eco-reps. The highlights for me were visiting the recycling and compost sites and interacting with the students in the dorms during the light bulb exchange. I think the light bulb exchange had the biggest impact because it brought the eco-reps to life, as opposed to just seeing the signs and bulletins around. It was also encouraging seeing the general student interest in being eco-friendly and wanting to help. I also think the new recycling rules is a huge step towards improving the recycling quantities.

I think what we could work on for next sememster is creating more opportunities for students to easily get involved and feel good about their efforts. Another light bulb exchange is a good idea. One thing I think we could have done better last semester was creating more awareness of the group around campus. I think it would be fun if all of us at one point in the semester were some how involved in the publicity of eco-reps around campus, where we go around giving out flyers or just talking to people. The person to person interaction seems to be the most impacting effort. I also think making a big deal about Earth Day and setting up stands or giving out flyers or little gifts (stickers) would be a good idea. My main goal is for people to have a good time being creative and bringing eco-reps to 'the streets'.


At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned a lot about being an ecorep this semester. I think that it is an awesome program. Like others have said, I think our most successful events have been the light bulb exchanges and the different fairs that we have set up tables at. This upcoming semester I think that we should continue to put on demonstrations, such as the "bike and lightbulb" at more events around campus. I also think that we should try and get the RA's more involved with the program, to help get residents involved, informed, and motivated. I am excited for this semester, seeing as i have a much easier schedule and I am liking the other ideas that have been previously mentioned. Overall, I think that everyone has done a great job, and i am excited to begin this semester.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The eco-reps program is excellent. i enjoy working with Deb and Erica, and everyone else in the program. Not everyone could come to the state house for our environmental excellence award but it was a great end to a great semester. I felt like our work was appreciated. I look forward to continuing to do this next semester. -Nate

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