What would you advise??
I recently received this e-mail from a student... if you were the one to reply, how would you advise him?
i was just looking at that installments thing and i realized i did have a question for you. you see, i recently learned that i have lot less in common with my roomate than i initially thought in that he seems to regard recyling and conservation as completely unneccessary. i can tolerate this on a large scale because it's easy to just say "people are jerks" without specifying which people. anyway, thing is, the other day he decided to take the trash out but as he did so he also took the cans out of the bin that i've told him time and again is for recycling and simply put them in the trash with the rest. i couldn't believe it. of course i got up and fixed this error but the fact remained that he had done it. when i sought to figure out why he said that he's simply "forgotten", and that "it was just five cans". aside from the fact that it's not the sort of thing one should forget i don't see how he possibly could if he had to actively move them from the correct recepticle to the wrong one. now, finally, to the point, how would those assembled convince him of the necessity of recycling and conservation without him becoming too defensive and without me seeming overly judgemental.